rock bottom

the past week, i literally hit my rock bottom. It’s like as if my life got turnover, and when i think that something is bad, another will happen and prove me wrong.

i lost every single thing from my iphone. fuck this shit rlly. it just wouldnt boot up. it started during the staycation when my phone shut down suddenly at 50% percent. it was a sign but obviously i gave no shits to it. the next day, no matter how long i charge, the highest my battery would go was 47%. okay fine. because i had work and it was full shift, there was no way i could fix it.

Saturday, dooms day, i finished work and my phone officially died on me. yay. it just wouldn’t fucking turn on no matter how long i charge it. went down to plaza sin to fix it and guess what? the system for the shop is down. wow. marvelous. i couldn’t even access to anything sighpie. so i had to used my mum’s S2 and i swear, i’ll always be #teamapple no matter what they become in future. it was so so so hard to use and the typing ohmygod save me. every single letter i typed the phone will vibrate and it annoyed the shit out of me.

So thank god for my bro’s iphone4 but it also died on me on wed because i went to upgrade the IOS thing at phone and by night time, it wasn’t even done till i reboot the entire phone. (why didn’t i do it earlier??)

anyway, it’s rlly a shitty week. it’s wasn’t only my phone, my family had this major quarrel, how the ppl at my work is so so weird and i almost broke down because i was so stress and i didn’t know what to do plus no one helped me. sighpie.

but i would rlly rather keep myself busy because i don’t want to deal with my emotional problems and certain issues.

funny how they can tell you that he miss you yet the next day he treats you cold as shit.

oh right. rock bottom.

it’s only when you hit the bottom, that’s where you’ll find gold.
be it courage for yourself to stand up and face the problem, genuine friends that would be there for you, or even melted milo powder in lumps at the bottom of the cup because you didn’t stir it and now you can eat it yay.

that’s why i say that you can/will find gold when you hit rock bottom so it’s not rlly that bad when you think of hitting rock bottom in another POV.

perhaps my phone broke down was a sign that i should move on and stop clinging on onto stuffs that i’m supposed to let go of because everything is gone and there is nothing for me to look back to and miss the moments.

anyway, i’ve decided that my happiness and how i feel daily shouldn’t be based on others but it should be based on me. lol self centered much but don’t care haha

kkk cannot wait to meet my girls for dinz later and sighpie becuz they’ll be leaving to korea on monday but yes because they’re going to get me my kimchi seaweed (more gold haha) from korea ❤